Our approach for developing businesses comprises of the following 4 steps
Exploiting a new opportunity often means venturing into unknown territory. Having a clear and realistic roadmap can often mean the difference between success and failure. Our expertise in Business Planning comes to the fore here.
To develop your nascent new idea into a successful business, we facilitate the creation of Strategic Roadmap and Business Plan for the new business. The Strategic Roadmap & Plan includes :
• Holistic Business Strategy
• 3 Year Business Plans at a P&L level
• Sales & Marketing plans
• Organization Design & Structure Plans
• Cash Flow & Funding Plan.
Post the Planning phase, we move to actualizing the resources, systems and processes required to successfully implement the plan. For example, if marketing a new product is the plan’s focus, then The Growth Factory will help you to :
• Recruit the right personnel
• Train them
• Provide clarity on roles, responsibilities and deliverables
• Lay down the operating guidelines necessary to achieve or exceed the planned marketing objectives
Similarly, we can build-out other business functions required to deliver the business plan.
As the team grows, it needs day-to-day supervision and management to deliver the forecasted business results. We then get into the OPERATE mode and monitor the team, to obtain the desired results.
In the Operate Mode, we take appropriate decisions for training the team to deliver better results. Also, at times, we take decisions on replacing/rehiring some team members.
After (agreed upon) financial parameters are met or at the end of a fixed time period, The Growth Factory will facilitate a smooth, hassle-free transfer of responsibilities to you. Your team will by then be fully trained, experienced and competent to operate every aspect of your new business.